From the middle of May 2024, the entire material of the conference will be available online! A separate registration is required to view it!

Speakers 2019

Anna Maria Dobrai Dr. Hadhazine



NAME: Anna Maria Dobrai Dr. Hadhazine
Date and place of Birth:Baia-Mare (Romania) 26.01.1954
1977-Diploma in Chemistry-University of Cluj- Romania
1977-1990 Worked as a secretary at a Construction Company
1990-April : Moved to Hungary
1990-1992 Worked at an institute for severely retarded children
1992-1994 Worked ina School for children with Special Needs in Kecskemét Hungary
1995-1996 Worked ina School for children with special needs in Velence Hungary
1996-2001 MÁV Hospital Emergency Department Budapest
2001-2005 MÁV Hospital Central Laboratory Budapest
2004-2007 Studies and Diploma in Nursing
2005-2009 Worked as General Practice Nurse in Szentmártonkáta Hungary
2006-2009:Studies at „Tiszta Forrás" Parapsychology and Alternative Medici ne lnstitute
2009 Moved to Sweden
2010-2014 Moved to lreland
2012-Successfully took Alternative Medici ne Examination
2015-Ear Acupuncture qualification
2014-Till the moment working as GP Practice nurse
ln Vértesacsa - Hungary

About US

Conference Organiser: Szechenyi Health Center, H-1085 Budapest, Benczúr str. 27., Hungary

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